About Us

PAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF FOOD ENGINEERING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (PIFEST) is a food industry organization working for the development of food technology profession in Pakistan. PIFEST will work for development of the food industry too and will engage with all stakeholders to develop standards, organize capacity building sessions, publish technical papers and many more activities.

PIFEST is brainchild of an ambitious and young food industry professional Muhammad Usman Ghani. The name and scope was conceived way back in 2006.

Food profession in Pakistan is highly developed and evolving. From culinary art institutes to high-tech research labs, Pakistan has a wide variety of food industry specific training institutes. Also, we have wide variety of food industries that produce export quality international standard products. Having agricultural base, the country is known for best food commodities like Kinnow, Basmati rice, mango etc. Moreover, food imports are significant too, with consumers having taste of international brands.

All this makes an interesting equation to work in. Despite slow development, food industry and the allied profession which we generally call food science and technology is growing at a good pace,

Food industry is storehouse of opportunities in Pakistan. Despite climate change industry is geared to tackle the threats and this region will remain a crucial place in world food chain.

PIFEST is aimed to be developed as a physical institute by 2025. It will have all essential affiliations with global food profession bodies and stakeholders.

We will roll out set of our activities from January 2021.